Julia Computing recently announced the successful completion of their $24M Series A funding round, led by Tiger Global Management. This...
With the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continuing, several major video game companies have begun to cut off access to...
In February 2019, Sony Interactive Entertainment announced the suspension of software and hardware sales for the PlayStation in Russia due...
Ukraine recently appealed to many gaming companies, including PlayStation, Xbox, and others, to withdraw their operations in Russia. Ukraine believes...
Sony's decision to halt the sale and distribution of the PlayStation in Russia due to Russia's military intervention in Ukraine...
Many PlayStation gamers in Russia are extremely disappointed with a recent announcement by Sony, the creator of the PlayStation game...
Overview of Sony's Decision In response to the Ukrainian invasion, Sony has announced it will suspend PlayStation store and console...
The ongoing conflict in Ukraine between government forces and pro-Russian separatists has significantly impacted the video game industry in the...
The cryptocurrency firm Ripple has been facing a long-running legal battle with the U.S Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) over...
Crypto firm Ripple has recently announced that it is considering an initial public offering (IPO) when the Securities and Exchange...