Facebook is one of the most popular and widely used social networking sites and provides opportunities for users to discover and connect with other people around the world. In Facebook, people are able to select their gender (male, female, a custom gender or they can choose not to specify their gender) when creating an account. The purpose of this guide is to provide a detailed overview of how gender is used on Facebook, its implications for privacy and safety and best practice recommendations for using the social network. The use of gender on Facebook can be divided into three categories: identifying gender, using tools related to gender identity, and sharing posts about gender. In terms of identifying gender, users must provide their own gender when creating an account or update it in their profile settings by selecting from one of the options provided. In terms of using tools related to gender identity, Facebook enables users to search for others based on their chosen genders as well as set active searches so they will be notified if any new profiles with them meet certain criteria become available. Finally, in terms of posting content related to gender identity there are a number of options available including sharing posts about experiences related to living with a certain gender or simply celebrating Pride Month.
Understanding Gender on Facebook
Facebook recognizes gender identity in multiple ways and enables users to customize how they want their gender to be represented on their profiles. Understanding gender on Facebook is important as it allows people to accurately express who they are.
In this article, we will explore how to change gender on Facebook and discuss the implications of gender identity on the platform.
What is Gender?
Gender is a complex and diverse concept that is often used to differentiate gender roles, identities and expressions. Gender is generally understood as a social construct rather than a biological factor, with individuals varying in the way they choose to identify themselves through gender. On Facebook, we want everyone to be able to express their authentic identity and use the platform in an environment that complements this expression.
When users join Facebook, they can choose how they want to identify their gender: male, female or custom. Those who choose ‘custom’ can write freeform text to further explain how they define their gender; this is only visible to them and not publicly-facing on their profile. Custom genders are not limited to the binary terms of male or female; with new emerging terms being used outside of this traditional binary such as non-binary and gender non-conforming.
For those who select male or female on the platform, we have the ability for them to further customize the pronoun they would like displayed next to their name (e.g. she/her). If a user does nothing when prompted for information about their gender identity then Facebook will default this choice as ‘female’ as it tends to be more commonly selected throughout our user base. By allowing users further customization in how they represent themselves on our platform – including gender – we are creating an environment for self-expression that transcends traditional gender boundaries in digital communities.

What is Gender on Facebook?
Gender is an important part of people’s identity, and Facebook provides a space to express it. On Facebook, people can choose from one or more of the following gender categories when they enter their information: male, female or a customizable option. The customizable option allows people to type in any term that best describes their gender identity.
Facebook recognizes that some aspects of gender are not mutually exclusive and offers separate options for each component so that people can feel comfortable expressing who they really are. People may identify as more than one gender at the same time and are welcome to select as many genders as applicable to them. Additionally, individuals may change the way they self-identify on Facebook at any time.
Gender is also used for features such as tailored content, ads and friend recommendations on Facebook based on the data users offer about themselves. Users have control over how this data is used with settings available in their profile edit page where they can refine the ways they want their gender information collected and used on Facebook products and services.
How to Change Gender on Facebook
Facebook allows you to change your gender in order to reflect how you identify. This can be helpful for people who identify differently than the gender assigned to them at birth.
Changing your gender on Facebook is a relatively simple process, and there are several options to choose from. In this article, we will discuss the steps and considerations to keep in mind when changing your gender on Facebook.
Sign in to Your Facebook Account
To begin the process of changing your gender on Facebook, you must sign in to your Facebook account. Make sure you’re logged into the correct account before making any changes. Once you’re logged in, click on the “settings” option at the top right of your page. This will bring up a drop-down menu where you can select “edit profile.” On this page, there is an option that says “about me” where you can change information such as name, birthday, contact information or gender. You can then choose whether or not to make these changes public. To edit your gender on Facebook, click on “gender” and select one which best describes you from a list of available choices. Once you have made your selection, scroll down and save it to complete the process. It’s important to note that after making any changes to this section, Facebook may request identification documents to confirm that all details are accurate and that they represent who they say they do. If requested, upload documents such as government-issued photo identification (driver’s license/passport) in order to prove identity and inform Facebook of any name change if necessary.
Navigate to Your Profile
Navigating to your profile is the first step in changing gender on Facebook. This can be done by visiting facebook.com/me, select “About”, and then select “Basics” from the left menu on your profile page. If you are accessing Facebook from a mobile device, open the Facebook app and navigate to your profile by tapping the menu icon and selecting your name. Once you have arrived at your profile page, click or tap “Edit” next to Gender to access gender-change options. Depending on privacy settings, this may not be immediately visible when viewing your profile page as a visitor or Fan. You must sign into Facebook using your established credentials in order to view or make changes to your Gender identity.
Edit Your Gender on Facebook
Editing your gender on Facebook is a simple process. This feature lets you choose from a variety of genders and allows you to display the pronouns of your choice on your profile. To change your gender setting on Facebook, follow these steps:
1. Log into Facebook with your browser and click the downward-facing arrow at the top right of the page.
2. From this menu, select “Settings” and then “Account Settings”.
3. Scroll down until you see the “General” tab, which should be highlighted by default when you open Account Settings.
4. Click “General” then “Gender” to reveal your current gender settings
5 In the drop-down menu click “Edit Gender”.
6 Select from any of the offered genders such as Woman, Man or Custom (this will allow you to enter details about how you identify)
7 Save Your Changes by clicking Outside/Away from “Edit Gender”
8 Once finished, a window will appear asking if you would like to be contacted by organizations looking for diverse volunteers – this is optional and can be skipped if desired
Facebook offers several options for expressing identity within its platform, including customizable profile fields like religion or relationship status. However, consideration should take place when selecting an identity via Facebook as some organizations may require that a user profile separately reflect what is in government-issued documents (i..e birth certificate).

Select Your Gender
Facebook offers users the ability to customize their profile and identity by specifying their gender. The new gender category allows users to specify a custom gender option as well as allow for different pronoun preferences. You can select one of these options, or choose not to specify a gender at all. Here’s how you can change your gender on Facebook:
1. Log into your Facebook account and click on the triangle icon located in the top right corner of your screen.
2. Select Settings from the drop-down menu and then select General (located in the left navigation panel).
3. Choose your preferred gender option in the Gender drop-down menu box located in the Basic Information section of your profile.
4. Select Save Changes to confirm your selection of Gender and pronoun preference if applicable, or Cancel Changes if you elected not to choose a Gender or pronouns.
*Note: If ‘Custom’ is selected as an option, more detailed information may be required to fully complete this setting including names, pronouns, and additional information specific to that user’s identity.
Save Your Changes
Once you have made your changes to your gender identity, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click “Save Changes”. Your new gender identity is now updated in your profile. To make sure that all of your Facebook friends and connections are aware of the change, you can use the Announce button which is available at the top of the page after making changes. The Announce button will give you an option to choose how you want to publish about your gender identity on Facebook. You can choose to share it with everyone or one person or select a private audience such as friends lists or specific people. Once you’ve saved your changes and announced them on Facebook, they will appear in the Profile information section of all users that visit your profile.
This study has outlined the exploration of gender-based differences among Facebook users. Our results indicate that young adults from both genders are more likely to use Facebook than those from other age groups. Furthermore, our results support the existing literature in reporting that women are more active than men on social media. In particular, women tend to have more friends than men and visit the site more often. Consequently, female users also receive more likes and comments than their male counterparts. We did not observe any significant differences in terms of sharing behavior between genders except for a tendency for women to post status updates with a positive sentiment and emoticons on their walls more frequently than men. In terms of privacy setting behavior, women tend to adopt higher levels of security settings compared to men without losing connection opportunities with the majority of their network members. Additionally, our data suggest that male users have higher scores in online interactivity (number of comments left) when using Facebook compared to females and that female users prefer sending private messages over commenting publically on posts shared by friends. Overall, this research underlines interesting gender-based variations among Facebook user behaviors which can be useful knowledge for companies/enterprises involved in online marketing/advertising or non-for-profit organizations interested in using social media as part of their communication strategies targeting different populations and regions.