Your LinkedIn profile should be a showcase of your professional identity and interests. Adding interests to your LinkedIn profile is an excellent way to let the right people know who you are and what matters most to you. It’s also a great way to connect with like-minded professionals who share the same passion for a certain topic or craft. Here’s a brief guide on how to use the interests section of your profile — and make it really stand out. When filling out your personal interests, start by listing out what topics you feel passionate about – both professionally and personally – and then choose five hobbies that truly define you as a professional. Think about topics in which you have expertise, as well as any personal passions that set you apart from others in your field such as volunteer work, mentoring, art, sports or music. Make sure these passions are related to the types of networks across which employers tend to reach out — like digital marketing, cloud computing or data science — so that recruiters can target more accurately. Also consider adding discussions related to your industry expertise – through groups, blogs or conferences which demonstrate that you possess extensive know-how around important topics associated with the job market today. Once you have identified several relevant topics that best reflect your personal and professional interests, bring them together in cohesively themed categories so they can be easily identified by recruiters on the platform. Your entire options available in terms of hobbies are endless – so choose wisely! Remember: keep it interesting but informative; make it unique; but avoid going overboard with unnecessary details!
Why You Should Add Interests to Your Profile
Adding interests to your LinkedIn profile can be a great way to make your account stand out from the crowd and showcase your hobbies and passions. It’s important to be thoughtful when adding interests to your profile and to use keywords related to your field to ensure that your profile is seen by the right employers.
Adding interests to your profile allows you to connect with people who share the same interests and can help you to create meaningful relationships in your industry.
Increase Visibility
Having interests on your profile can be beneficial for your profile’s visibility. It gives recruiters, employers and other LinkedIn users a more comprehensive, well-rounded view of your personality— not just the skills and experiences you have listed in your work section. For example, if you list that you enjoy museums, volunteer at a homeless shelter or won a cooking competition in the past, others visiting your page will connect with you on a more personal level. This can lead to better networking opportunities since partners or clients evaluating candidates may take into account such personal interests when selecting who they would like further contact with.
Additionally, having interests listed in your profile means that recruiters or people searching for potential matches can find out information about you or suggestions to other contacts who might be interested in working with you. This increases the chances of being contacted by those looking for candidates who fit the criteria for their positions allowing for a greater chance of success putting yourself out there as an applicant.
Increase Networking Opportunities
Adding interests to your LinkedIn profile is an effective way to increase your networking opportunities. Not only will you become more recognizable in the professional community, but you can also use interests as a platform to highlight your individual strengths, experiences, and passions. This extra layer of information can help you stand out from the crowd and foster relationships with like-minded professionals who share similar values and goals. Plus, it’s a great way to interact with people who may have overlooked your profile in the past, so adding interests can give you a competitive edge in the job search process.
In addition to providing more insight into who you are and what makes you unique, incorporating interests on your profile is also a great way to build proficiency around certain topics or fields of knowledge that may be relevant to potential employers. If you list topics that are related to areas of expertise employers are typically interested in (such as technology, software development, marketing or finance), this can open up doors for conversations that show HR recruiters how knowledgeable and passionate you are about these subjects. Finally, engaging with content related to an interest on LinkedIn allows companies’ algorithms work in your favor by boosting visibility for recruiters searching for talent matching certain criteria— this means if someone searches for keywords related to one of the items listed in your Interests section—Boom! —your profile could appear higher up in their results page than someone without those same interests listed on their page. As such, adding Interests is a must-do step for professionals looking for help building their network or growing their career path. So make sure those fields are filled out completely!
Improve Your Profile Completeness
Completing your profile is essential if you want to maximize your LinkedIn experience. Your interests can help individuals to connect with you, as well as giving employers a better insight into the type of person that you are. Adding interests and activities to your profile not only demonstrates what type of person you are, but also gives potential employers or recruiters multiple points of common ground that can lead to further conversations. If a potential employer or recruiter views your profile and notices that you have the same hobby, this could help pique their interest in your profile and even make them remember yours over others. Having interests on your profile also reflects positively on both personal and professional grounds. This can make recruiters think that not only do you care about what is going on in the world, but also shows how dynamic of an individual you are outside of work – something that is always attractive in any job application!

Adding activities to your LinkedIn profile will ultimately broaden the topics for discussion when it comes time for interviewing – be it for jobs, internships or networking. The more points of curiosity for yourself that you can add into any job related form, CV or resume will directly increase the chances of success in recruiting companies from seeing them applied accordingly.
How to Add Interests on LinkedIn
Adding interests to your LinkedIn profile can be a great way to make your profile stand out from the crowd. Not only will it highlight your hobbies and interests, but it will also give potential employers a better idea of who you are and what interests you outside of work. Additionally, including interests can help you get more attention from recruiters and job seekers who are looking for people with similar interests.
Choose Your Interests
Choosing the interests for your LinkedIn profile can be a great way to help you differentiate yourself from other professionals and to show visitors what you do and are passionate about. You may already have several interests that you’d like to include but if not, here are some tips to help you choose which ones to add.
Make sure the interests you select reflect who you are as an individual (professional). It is important to remember that your field of work isn’t necessarily the same thing as your interest, so don’t think too narrowly. Think more broadly – what books have inspired you, what causes do you feel strongly about, things that have been game-changing in their respective fields? Basically, choose those interests which reflect on the kind of person that would be valuable in different spheres.
When selecting your interests make sure they are relevant and up-to-date. No one wants outdated information or irrelevant content being shared with them; research any subject you’re unsure about before adding it as an interest! Also keep in mind not to saturate your profile with too many topics; combine various aspects of different fields or narrow down a couple that best resonate with who you want to portray yourself as and keep it at that number. And finally once happy with these selections make sure they support visually – use colours, include images and icons where available! This will make them look more aesthetically pleasing for viewers should they want to learn more about this particular topic area or interest field.
Add Your Interests
Adding interests to your LinkedIn profile can help you to make more meaningful connections with potential employers, business partners, peers, and mentors. Depending on the individuals and companies you want to connect with, your interests will vary. Here are some tips for adding relevant and engaging interests that will help you stand out from other LinkedIn users. Start by selecting a few areas of interest that align with the focus of your individual profile or represent industries in which you have experience working or points of interest about which you’re passionate. It’s also important to be sure that these interests relate directly to an employer’s needs or goals to ensure a strong connection. Writing up descriptions should give potential employers insight into who you are as a professional while also describing why they should hire you and how your skills may benefit their company.
When adding in interests, utilize keywords related to industries of interest such as “technology” or “travel.” You can also incorporate skills such as “visual design”, “C++ programming”, or “Python scripting” in order for potential companies or recruiters to easily search for relevant candidates who possess these specific abilities. Additionally, try listing causes that are close to your heart in order to demonstrate a philanthropic side, such as volunteering and outreach initiatives within local communities. Include any awards and accolades that highlight any professional successes and note any language fluency beyond English in order to showcase international experiences and aptitudes. Finally, if applicable, feel free to include hobbies such as playing instruments or outdoor activities like rock climbing—these can illustrate soft skills such as problem solving under pressure or working within teams to accomplish difficult tasks successfully.

Manage Your Interests
Your Interests section on your LinkedIn profile is a great opportunity to highlight volunteer experiences, publications, and other interests that won’t fit elsewhere. This section also allows you to demonstrate an understanding of current topics, so be sure to add any key words relevant to your field. Here are some steps you can take to make the most of your Interests:
-Choose interests that reflect the type of work you want. If you’re working in a specific field or looking for employment opportunities within that particular area, select interests that reflect it. For example, if you’re a software engineer interested in blockchain technology, consider adding terms such as cryptocurrency and distributed ledger technology as your interests so that employers can see how knowledgeable and up-to-date you are on the latest trends in technology.
– Follow industry professionals whose work is of interest to you and comment thoughtfully on their posts or articles. This will show employers what kind of conversations you’re interested in participating in and demonstrate which issues spark your curiosity. Additionally, this will also keep you informed about what’s happening in the industry on a regular basis.
– Add professional certifications or awards related to your industry or field of expertise as well as volunteer experiences if they don’t fit elsewhere on your profile (e.g., experience with non-profits).
– Keep including emerging technologies that could benefit your career—so anyone viewing it will see how up-to-date and advanced your skillset is, even if they aren’t directly relevant right now (ex: new coding language). Following these steps can help ensure that your list of interests accurately presents who are professionally!
To wrap up, adding interests to your LinkedIn profile can help to showcase who you are as a professional and can go a long way in making a good impression. It can give recruiters and potential employers insight into your personality and what motivates you in the workplace. By thoroughly contemplating your interests and finding creative ways to showcase them, you can truly make yourself stand out from the competition on LinkedIn.